Our Services
Standard house system
A standard house installation would consist of x10 450w panels making 4.5kWp (kilowatt peak), a site survey would then determine the true kWh (kilowatt hour) of the system. This considers the orientation of the roof from south, the pitch of the roof and any shading that maybe present onto the panels. The panels are traditionally mounted on the roof on rails, although other mounting systems are available such as integrated into the roof and a flat roof system. The package consists of:
- x10 450w panels
- 68kW inverter
- 4kWh battery
Prices start from £6800.
Small agricultural system
There are many variants to consider when installing a system on a farm, but a typical three phase system would have x27 450w panels making 12.15kWp (kilowatt peak) over the three phases. The array would then be connected to a 10kW inverter which allows the system to be installed without approval from the DNO (distribution network operator). This system can then be fitted with a storage battery of at least 4.8kWh.
Large agricultural system
A typical large 3-phase installation would consist of x111 450w panels making 49.95kWp. A system this size may be mounted on the roof of one large barn or several smaller barns, it may be ground mounted or a combination of roof and ground mount. The array would be connected to a 50kW inverter which is the maximum allowance before being classed as a commercial generating set. A large single-phase system would consist of x36 450w panels making 16.20kWp, this would be connected to 17kW inverter. The 3-phase system can have a minimum battery storage of 4.8kWh and the single-phase system can have a 2.4kWh battery.

Supporting the residential and agricultural sectors transition to carbon neutrality
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